5 Crowdfunders to Watch – Passion for Fashion

…she will manufacture a first batch of her scarves. 2. Edgy Fashion from Down South (via Indiegogo) Credit: Indiegogo The Business: JLINSNIDER offers bohemian clothing with visual and textile influences…

A Fashion Brand Keeps Its Sewing in the US

Earlier this year, Jan Erickson stood on the floor of her small sewing factory in Colorado Springs, Colo., and watched as a Spanish-speaking management consultant persuaded her sewers to move…

Sarah Meyer: Fair Trade Fashion

This story is part of our 1,000 + stories campaign. What’s your story? Name: Sarah Meyer Business: 107 Market Street Location: St Simons Island, Georgia, U.S. Industry: Apparel & Accessories…

Threading the Needle: Women Changing NYFW

…made up of mostly women employees and consumers. Women hold important roles in just about everything that goes on during Fashion Week. Business of Fashion’s popular Top 500 List shows…

Threading the Needle: Lavanya Coodly

Credit: AMCONYC For decades, Lavanya Coodly quietly nurtured a passion for fashion. Two weeks ago, she took flight in New York City with a brand that she says is meant…

Ep.19: Second Chances

…Kasey O’Connel, Fif Ghobadian and Alice Larkin Cahan of Road Twenty-Two (Credit: Road Twenty-Two) Fif Ghobadian created San Francisco fashion brand Road Twenty-Two to provide jobs for women released from…