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Name: Sama Jashnani
Business: DownToDash
Location: Mumbai, India
Industry: Technology & Telecommunications
Reason for starting? DownToDash is an app for meeting students around you who are down to do what you want to do, whether its workouts, sports, movies or traveling. It is a completely secure network, and you need to sign up with your college email address.
There is no secure platform for students to spontaneously connect with other students in their university. The app solves many problems faced by students like loneliness and laziness. Everyone is always looking to make new friends in university, and this is a casual way of positioning it (focusing on the activity and not the person). There is a major gap and immense potential in this market. It can revolutionize the way students experience college life.
Related: Read about another app creator here.
How do you define success? To make a difference. I believe that this app can be incredibly useful and would have definitely changed my university experience.
Biggest success: I received a 100% scholarship to study at Warwick Business School for my Masters in Marketing and Strategy.
What is your top challenge and how you have addressed it? My top challenge would be that I do not have any tech background. To address this, I constantly do research on every little thing and learn on-the-job. I keep asking questions to my developers and cross check everything. I want to revolutionize student experiences worldwide and spread the app across all universities. After that, target high schools, corporates and other closed networks too.
Related: Read about another high tech female entrepreneur here.
Who is your most important role model? Steve Jobs. “The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.”
[box_light]Website http://
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Read about another entrepreneur here
Edited by The Story Exchange