Here’s an unexpected pandemic silver lining: an increase in women investors.
Covid-era women investors – those who took the leap in either 2020 or 2021 – account for 42% of all active women investors, according to a study conducted by investment app eToro.
Lockdowns enacted during the first portions of the ongoing pandemic placed women in precarious financial positions, as they lost nearly 2 million of the overall jobs that became Covid casualties – and have yet to rebound, as men largely have. “They were in a corner, and kind of had to take control of their finances,” Callie Cox, an analyst at eToro, explained to CNBC.
And despite also taking on the lion’s share of home responsibilities like childcare and chores, they also found themselves with more time to learn about – then jump into – the world of investing, Cox added.
Plus, more women are interested in learning about investing, CNBC also reports, with separate polling from financial services firm Fidelity Investments finding that half of all women asked would want to know more about securing their funds.
And many plan to see it through, despite our continual shift toward a “new normal” outside of the home – eToro’s study shows that 50% of current women investors plan to stay in the game for at least the next 6 years.