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Name: Heather Powers

Business: HKpowerStudio , professional organizer

Industry: Coaching & ConsultingOther — Professional Organizer 

Location: Charleston, South Carolina, U.S.

Reason for starting: I was burnt out after a 15 year career as a textile and carpet designer and had always wanted to start my own business. After consulting with clients on interior design I realized my background in project management and interest in creating functional and beautiful spaces gave me a unique perspective and led me to professional organizing. I love helping my clients create order out of chaos! This can be transformational and lead them to find and focus on their own success.

Related: Read about another professional organizer here. 

How do you define success? Happiness is success. Freedom is success. Financial security is success. I want to enjoy my life and not have my profession define me as a whole. I have so many interests in life I make time for (gardening, weaving, photography, cooking etc). I want to give back to my community and being an entrepreneur offers me the opportunity and flexiblity to work all of my passions into my daily life.

Biggest Success: Taking the leap to leave my corporate job and launch my own business is where it all began. Then relocating to a place I love living led to bigger success. Over the past 2 1/2 years I’ve been able to fully support myself financially with this business. Each time I leave a client feeling less overwhelmed and more organized I feel hugely successful! Seeing how transformational and joyful the process of becoming more organized can be for my clients brings me true joy!

What is your top challenge and how have you addressed it? I’ve been successful with my one-on-one, in person organizing clients who pay me by the hour but I realize in order to work with the clients I truly am passionate about working with (artists!) I need to shift part of my business to virtual. Marketing to virtual clients has been harder for me than in person but I realize it takes time and trust to build those relationships, it’s a process!

Related: 4 Ways of Positioning Yourself as an Expert

Who is your most important role model? Honestly I have quite a few mentors and several come to mind for different reasons. I don’t look to one person but look for qualities I value in many individuals. The most important role models I can think of are all women! I try to surround myself with women who I admire and who model behavior, actions and success for me. 

Twitter   @hkpowerstudio 
Pinterest   hkpowerstudio [/box_light]

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Read about another Coaching & Consulting entrepreneur here.

Edited by The Story Exchange