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Name: Lorena Lopez

Business: Latin Trade Links, trade development 

Industry: Marketing & PR

Location: London, United Kingdom 

Reason for starting: Having a close affinity to Latin America, I’m passionate about taking part in building bridges between businesses and, more importantly, the people behind them, in the United Kingdom and in Latin America. I felt the need to follow that driving flame and build a network and connect businesses interested in trading or investing in and out of Latin America. We are still in the early days, yet our intention is to foster trade and commercial ties that in the long run build a stronger LATAM-UK market and generate social and economic growth in communities and businesses on both sides of the Atlantic.

Related: Read about another Latin American entrepreneur here. 

How do you define success? Success to me is defined as self actualization — achieving the dreams that present themselves in your mind and contributing to a greater purpose. The reason I’ve ventured down this path for business development, specifically to bolster trade across the Atlantic, is because I am an advocate for international trade and the benefits it offers companies and economies and, most importantly, how that adds value to individuals quality of life. Trade and business generate wealth and an exchange of ideas and innovation which goes beyond having a single successful business deal signed. Success is finding joy in creating whatever it is you set out to create. It has to be held hand in hand with a satisfaction that you are devoting your time to something of value, meaning and purpose.

Biggest Success: I would say that throughout my career there have been a few successful projects and work that entailed hard work and lots of hours, yet I’d say my biggest success has been taking the leap to work on my own business, steering that motivation to achieve and tackling the inherent fears of failure that rarely dissipate. Though it is still uncertain how business will progress, I would say my biggest success was entering the world of entrepreneurship.

Related: Expanding Upon Success 

What is your top challenge and how have you addressed it? Fear of failure is what I would say has most delayed or hindered me at the outset in taking a step forward into entrepreneurship. Balancing work, projects and a personal life, whilst not losing track of your vision, can leave you feeling inept in each of your roles in life. Focusing on overcoming negativity and getting back to what motivated you to take this step to start your own business has been the biggest challenge I have had to overcome. The key to addressing that is surrounding yourself with a supportive network, be it like-minded professionals or family or a mentor who can shake your fear off and steer you ahead.

Who is your most important role model? There are numerous women, founders and co-founder’s stories that have struck a nerve within, women in the IT and engineering sectors that have been leading pioneers, started up their own software companies like Alexandra Roata are always sources of motivation. I’d say that women in general — resilient, persistent through failures and obstacles, and creative — are my role models in the business sphere. Success stories which are tainted with struggle, racial/gender prejudice, social pressures, yet result in success are the ones that drive home the message that resilience and persistence are the keys to achievement. On a personal level my mother is definitely a key role model for me, having instilled the seeds of persistence, self confidence and drive so I can take on new challenges and follow the driving force within, thanks to endless hours of guidance for which I stand very grateful today. .

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Read about another PR & Marketing entrepreneur here!

Edited by The Story Exchange