OLD - Topics

Women in Space: Space for Women

When reading this I was touched by what Mae Jemison – the first African-American female astronaut – had to say. She grew up during NASA’s Apollo era of space travel and as a child was irritated by the lack of women involved, who could have been role models for her.

Chance Email Makes Mom Inventor Winner on ABC Show

Dawn Firsing-Paris is a living proof to the common belief that if you need to get something done, ask a busy woman. A few months ago, with two jobs as well at two young children, Firsing-Paris took on another challenge – inventing a new product. Not only did she do it, but she also won the highly coveted approval and mentorship of super “shark” entrepreneur and investor Barbara Corcoran.

Who Inspires Tory Johnson?

Tory Johnson is an award-winning business leader, contributor for ABC’s Good Morning America, and bestselling author devoted to career success. The Story Exchange wanted to know what drives this powerful business woman, who is personally responsible for helping countless women entrepreneurs start their own businesses.

Mother’s Day Gift Guide

May 13th is the special day for mothers and it’s just around the corner. We’ve compiled a list of great presents from women-owned businesses, submitted to us on Your Story Exchange.

Breast Cancer Diva

Learn how entrepreneur Roxanne Joffe found an unexpected role model in a celebrity news personality.

Motherly Instincts Inspire Startups

The actress Jessica Alba has just launched Honest.com, a new e-commerce eco-friendly and non-toxic baby product company. Her inspiration? Her kids. Alba is not alone in finding business inspiration through her children.