Quick Takes

News and analysis about women in entrepreneurship, leadership and politics.

Win-Win: U.S. Helping Female African Entrepreneurs

Forty-six women from 37 African nations travelled to the U.S. in the last few weeks to learn about running an export business as part of a US State Department program aimed at helping African countries rely less on foreign aid that began in 2000.

An Upside to the “War on Women”?

Women’s issues have been all over the media lately, and not for all the right reasons. Birth control, abortion rights, the Rush Limbaugh Sandra Fluke ‘slut’ comment controversy, Hilary Rosen’s comments on Ann Romney never working a day in her life.

Asian Women Rising Up in World Business

The Financial Times’ annual Top 50 women in world business 2011 shows Asian women are moving up in the rankings. Eighteen Asian women were featured on this year’s list, including Asian-American Andrea Jung, CEO of Avon Cosmetics.

Banging sideways against the glass wall?

A few days ago, Nightly News with Brian Williams did a short segment on Nell Merlino, a woman who is trying to help other women entrepreneurs grow their own businesses beyond the million dollar mark despite the tough economy.

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