1,000 Stories

More than 1,000 women entrepreneurs from around the world have told us about their personal business journeys. Here are their stories, in their own words. Tell us yours!

Ann Adams & Liz Brensinger: Green Heron Tools LLC

Through our work as market growers, we recognized that there was a lack of tools that worked well for women. As public health professionals, we also recognized that this could impact the health and safety of women…

Ruth Degolia: Mercado Global

I believe that denying a woman the right to attend school anywhere in the world affects us all. Telling a young girl that she isn’t worth educating is an injustice against all women.

Claire Bennett: Music Bugs

Success can be measured in many different ways but for me the personal fulfillment of creating something that has had a positive effect on other peoples lives is something that I am proud of.

Mary Mitchell: Made & Told

We sell handcrafted homeware made by artisans and craft cooperatives in Central Asia, alongside stories from the cultures and contexts in which they were made. We sell handcrafted homeware with a story.

Rashmi Gowda: Csquare Learnings Pvt Ltd

I was ridiculed by many around me when I have decided to venture into the infrastructure sector with no previous experience. Apparently, the infrastructure business is male dominated field and a woman has no place in it.

Rekha Gopal: Padmajyothi Industries

After serving many years in one of the public sector industries in India, I realized that there was a potential in me, like many other women, to make a mark.

Dawn Berryman: Market Mommy

Market Mommy was established so that I could use my marketing expertise to help mom small business owners better market themselves.

Katie Hustead: Paper Moon Moves

I have always loved seniors and have volunteered with them for years, so I searched for a viable business that would allow me to help seniors.

Kanchana Banerjee: Writeword

Seeing so many professionally qualified women who give up on their jobs for domestic reasons; I thought why not teach them how to write and help them get started as freelance writers.

Cristina Antochi: Team 2 Clean

I left home at the age of 19 in pursuit of a better life. Now in my 20s, I have my own successful business, with 23 teams of 2 working with me, having around 600 clients and going forward.

Jackie Covas: Dance Dot

I was working as a professional dancer and finding a place to practice my tap dance routines while touring was nearly impossible. So, I created a portable tap dance board that I could easily take on the road with me.