1,000 Stories

More than 1,000 women entrepreneurs from around the world have told us about their personal business journeys. Here are their stories, in their own words. Tell us yours!

Kellyn Timmerman: feNa

To work incredibly hard for something and have someone else determine my fate was the turning point for me, and the reason I started feNa.

Kellee Khalil: Lover.ly

I was overwhelmed by all of the information and ideas on the Web and that there wasn’t one place online to gather all of the amazing ideas.

Vanessa Bright: Financial Futures Now

I started my company to educate America’s youth on the basic principles of financial literacy and provide them with the skills to become financially free and fiscally responsible adults.

Shien-ru Tsao: Project 116

I starting Project 116, a social enterprise that teaches kids entrepreneurship skills. Students learn how to develop sustainable products through hands-on projects.

Sarah Eastman: Trip Me Not, LLC

When I was getting married, my biggest fear was tripping down the aisle. I needed a way to practice walking in my gown, so I invented one.

Nicole Stubbs: First Access

First Access is pioneering a system of financial profiles for microloan applicants to access credit using their prepaid mobile records.