1,000 Stories

More than 1,000 women entrepreneurs from around the world have told us about their personal business journeys. Here are their stories, in their own words. Tell us yours!

Seema S. Sahin: Modern Mary

For most Muslim women it can be challenging finding styles that express their cultural heritage, American identity, and at the same time being true to their faith.

Bernadette Doran: Equilibrium Energy + Education

Because this is a vision and a mission, not just a business, it took tremendous personal sacrifice, including virtually every penny I owned, a huge amount of credit card debt, and many, many personal lifestyle adjustments.

Jordana Jaffe: Embarkability

I am inspired by people who have paved the way for their success and have been determined to achieve their goals no matter what.

Mrs. Abeer Qumsieh: Better Business

To me success is the perseverance of making things happen when they seem impossible; it’s to wake up every morning wanting to make a mark in the place you live so that it makes a difference in the lives of others & the World.

Nathalie Molina Niño: Therapy for Business Women

I stepped down from a successful career in international business to study storytelling… and started writing love letters to women in business, hoping to provide insights I wish someone had shared with me along the way.

Marcie Muehlke: Celia Grace -a social enterprise

I realized that I could pair the market opportunity of women seeking a more meaningful wedding dress with the social need for safe, fair, and empowering work for women…and create something truly beautiful.

Hillary Gadsby: A Gadsby Affair

It is difficult for men to take me seriously, but I have luckily overcome this obstacle by getting my foot in the door and knowing the right people to give me an extra edge.

Andrea Rubinfeld: Family Founded, Inc

That “Aha!” moment led to FamilyFounded.com, a site dedicated to enhancing people’s experience working with family by providing peer-to-peer support and advice from top professional experts around the world.

Holly Landau: Landau Leadership

I started my business in 2008 because I thought I could take all the lessons I learned in the military and in corporate life and turn this wisdom into leadership curriculum that I could share with corporations.

Dimple Thakkar: SYNHERGY

To me, the “small” in “small business” meant moving faster than any bigger or better-funded competitor. And most importantly, I wasn’t afraid of failure. Matter of fact, I welcomed it.